
Train 1,50 € a persona From Pisa Central Station take the Bus “(Lam Red) ” daytime or the evening “(N. 21)”: “San Jacopo 2” bus-stop. From Pisa San Rossore Station we are a 10-minute walk away 35′
Plane (Way 1) 1,50 € a persona On foot to Pisa Centrale station. Then follow as if you came with the train 55′
Plane (Way 2) 16,00 € ad auto Take the Taxi in front of the Arrivals Gate, it is not advisable to take the Pisa Mover which costs €5 per person 15′
Ship 2,60 € a persona We are on Google Maps (exit Pisa Nord-Est on FI-PI-LI and exit Pisa Centro on the A12 Genova-Rosignano motorway) 60′
Car Walk to Livorno Central station and take the train to Pisa Centrale. Then follow you if you came with the train
Bus Arrival at the Pietrasantina car park. We are 300 meters away, you can walk 5′